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***Please note the korean text was translated using Papago. If you see that a correction is needed, please feel free to dm me !

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Name: Lee Minhyuk
Nicknames: foxmin, foxminnie, paninihead~
Sex: Male
A/B/O: He's a delta, meaning he can go into both heats and ruts
Pronouns: They don't matter much to him, but if you ask he'll just say he/him !
Sexuality: Pansexual, but with a male lean !
Birthday: November 3rd, 1993
Sign: Scorpio, rooster
Height: 170cm,5'10"

Health: pretty healthy ! though sometimes he forgets to eat, and he has a bit of a temperature allergy
Physical limitations: none
Mental Illnesses: depression, anxiety, struggles with self-appreciation.
Allergies: crustaceans

Fluent Languages: Korean, animal speak,
Non-Fluent Languages: English, Japanese
Ethnicity: Korean
Place of birth: technically, in a forest
Current Residence: Seoul

Occupation: Painter, freelance photographer, model !
Hobbies: he uploads covers to his youtube channel, gardens, hiking, video games, archery, and he used to do woodworking but quit after he hurt his finger
Strengths: adventurous, cheerful (like a little happy virus), he loves making people feel better
Weaknesses: Because he likes making people feel better and being a happy virus, often he forgoes his own mental wellbeing in favor of helping someone else. And he has a bad habit of acting impulsively.
Fears: cucumbers grrr >:((

Piercings: a couple minor ones on his human ears
Tattoos: A whale tattoo on his knee, and a tattoo on his mid-upper back
Distinctive Marks/Features: a scar on his knee (covered up by tattoo), a few beauty marks on his body, his fox ears and tail are a pretty dead giveaway
Clothing: Honestly, Minhyuk has no consistencty in fashion other than it always looks good on him

-Berries, veggies cheese--he's a fox, he goes wild for cheese

-most alcohol, unless it's in the form of a fruity drink
-cigarettes. his lungs are super sensitive
-being ignored

  • His fox ears are much more sensitive than his human ears, and they're his main source of hearing over his human ears.

  • Being a delta, he gets both heats and ruts. Never at the same time, and occasionally in the same season, though there will be a good amount of time between the two.

  • He gets scared easily. That being said, things that are too loud will either frighten him or hurt his ears.

  • He can be very affectionate and clingy at times

  • Minhyuk struggles with feeling like he fits in anywhere, and with feeling like he's replaceable

  • His tail is very sensitive...as in, don't yank on it unless you want him to get an erection.

  • He's a bit shy with openly admitting it, but he loves wearing skirts and fem clothing~.

  • He LOVES video games !!

내가 널 사랑한다는 걸 절대 잊지마~
never forget that i love you~

...please don't delete me...

Minhyuk was born to a human mother, and a kitsune spirit that took human form. Unfortunately, his father hadn't told his mother who he was until he found out she was pregnant; and when Minhyuk was born, she wanted absolutely nothing to do with him. Minhyuk's mother was scared, disgusted with both his father and the 'creature' that was her son, and she demanded his father take him away and out of her sight.

So, he did...Minhyuk's father took him back to the safety of the forest, naming him Minhyuk; 'min' meaning 'sensitive, keen, quick' and 'hyuk' meaning 'bright, luminous'. When the little fox fox was born, he was adorned with two little fox ears atop his head, a very teenie tiny tail, reddish-golden eyes, and a fox-like slit for a pupil. The little foxboy was a tiny baby, but his father attributed that to the fox half of him.

While he grew up without a mother, never meeting her, his father raised him with all the love and support he could possibly provide...and then some. Minhyuk was a simple child, and when he wanted something, his father did his best to provide, though Minhyuk wasn't ever ungrateful. Minhyuk and his father still maintain a healthy relationship, and visit one another when possible. Admittedly, Minhyuk was a bit of a jokester and troublemaker when he was little, but being that he was raised in a forest, he never caused much harm.

Minhyuk was also a very happy person, and still is for the most part, but it wasn't until he was introduced to the human world that he developed depression. All the stares, the disgusted faces, the mean remarks, and sometimes even assault, he began to hate himself. While his father always made sure to deal with these people, it still didn't prevent the sadness that slowly infected his heart. He eventually developed a minor form of anxiety from all this, and at one point ran off back into the forest and refused to come back for a good few years.

After that, Minhyuk became quite irritated at humans and their awful ways, even started to develop a hatred for them...Until, that is, the day that he came out of the forest again and was met with a very kind man. Someone like him, but different...they had a pair of cat ears, and a tail to go with it...It made him feel like he wasn't alone in the world. Like he wasn't some freak of nature, it felt so comforting. More than words could ever explain.

That was what started to change his mind, and he realized that their hate comes from fear and ignorance. They don't hate him, they're just disguising their fear of the unknown with bullying, which doesn't make the act any better, but it made him feel better. His father had taught him a lot, and still continues to teach him new things every time they meet up, and is a good figure in his life. Even helping him get set up in college, getting a degree in photography, and helped him find a job in it as well.

Minhuk's very grateful for his family, even if it is a strange one (read: Minhyuk's Strange Rabbit Uncle Named Phil). The foxboy still feels quite lost in the human world, knowing he doesn't quite fit in or understand things. Minhyuk's favourite days are days when he meets his father, a fox spirit, and his two favourite uncles, a jellyfish spirit and a wolf spirit, and his two grandparents, one being a fox spirit and the other a water spirit. Most humans would find his family odd, but their oddity is his normality. Even if his woodland sprite cousin enjoys teasing him with strawberries. Still, his favourite days are when they can all meet up because it comforts him.

Being a fox hybrid in a mostly-human world makes him feel left out sometimes, but the more inhuman friends he makes, the better he feels. He's found that most people his age-in human years-don't really care about his odd features, and that it's mostly the generation of their parents. Minhyuk isn't sure what his lifespan is, being that his mother was human, and his father is a spritual entitiy. But his father has already promised him that if the weight of potential mortality is too heavy to bear, he will find a way to change his mortality to immortality; but right now, he's content with how he is.

Minhyuk is also...quite insecure at the fact that he's a delta, which came after finding out most hybrids fall into one of three categories. So, forgive him if he's shy when he talks about it.

Position: Switch

YES or NO on:
-BDSM? Yes! But talk about it first so both parties can discuss boundaries and whatnot !!
-Exhibitionism? Yes!
-Waxplay? Yes!
-Ropeplay? Yes!
-Ageplay in nsfw/bdsm scenes? No. If you regress in age and then preform nsfw scenes, you're a pedo. If you're a minor, please do not ask for nsfw scenes.


  • DM's from strangers, asking for something lewd.

  • Too much Degradation--it'll give him a drop.

  • Not respecting boundaries.

  • If he feels like you don't care about him, he's not gonna be into it.

Kinks (please note that this is not a complete list, as listing all kinks entirely would take a long time):

  • Clothed sex

  • Feminization

  • Praise (and degrading praise++)

  • Dumbification (he thinks it's cute okay >:c)

  • Somno, breeding, knotting, omorashi, voyeurism

  • Sensory deprivation, choking, deepthroating,

  • overstim, public stuff~

  • cum swapping (he just learned about this one huhu)

  • dollification (it's cute !! okay ?!)

  • shibari, restraints

  • caging, biting/marking

  • cockwarming, milking, tummy bulges<3

  • he loves being scratched~

  • edging, teasing (public teasing<3)

  • being forced to swallow (unless you tell him it's okay, this kink is for him recieving it)

  • guided masturbation

  • assplay

  • Being filled and then having a plug put inside him (this one is both giving and reciving !!)

  • the kink where you put a vibe on them and make the person go about their day with the dom having control of the remote !

He also has a few 'hard kinks' but if you'd like to know those, it's best to simply ask about it. They will not be listed here.


This section will be properly filled out in due time~.


incestrape , cnc , noncon , sa , etcexcessive blood & gore
If you're the type to try to keep up some weird ddd image, then don't bother following. My mental health is more important than some weird twitter dom trying to be trendy.